Did January just zooommmmmm by us??? I mean its already February 10th, Valentine’s is next week already and before you know it Spring Break will be here, then testing, then kids out for summer break!
I mean I could of sworn just the other day we were talking about our word for the year, and how to make this year our #rockourhappy2017 and now I feel like in a blink of an eye its over… Eeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!!
A recap on all that going on in my busy life… Jacob is 3 now! I know the thought makes me a little teary–how has it been 3 years you ask– I don’t really know but when you figure it out let me know please!
Sparkled Pink is doing awesome and growing and I feel very blessed to be able to show young girls how nice it is to be pampered but its what’s inside that really matters and counts.. Inner Beauty!
Yummy Shop is having it’s first Pop Up Shop in Sparkled Pink for Valentine’s and pretty excited about that, so YES that means lots of baking going on in the next day!
and…. Guess what????
Thats So Yummy is 8!!!!!! I have been doing this little thing– people like to call blogging— for 8 YEARS now! That makes me laugh a little… I mean who would of thought I would find something like blogging so much fun, fall in love with it, meet so many new people that have some of the same and similar loves, and best of all find my voice and my passion to pursue what I love to do!
Soooooo, I just want to say a little Thank You to you all that take the time to stop by my little blog and read the ramblings of this crazy hectic coffee drinking, chocolate loving mother!
I Appreciate and Love you all!
Now back on topic… Because I LOVE all things Red Velvet, and because its almost the day for Amour (which really should be everyday, if you ask me), and because I really haven’t shared any new recipes with you all lately, (it’s been crazy busy here in these parts), I wanted to share a few delicious easy recipes you could make for your loved ones.
Enjoy My list of all things Red Velvet
Red Velvet Cookies with White Chocolate Chips