Brrrr….. Is all I can say right now! You see I live in Florida and technically we are not supposed to be cold to the point that its 30 degrees outside, it’s just not normal. Last week we had a day that fell into the 20’s… can you believe that? the 20’s… I thought I …

Cheese Pizza Monkey Bread
Life is hectic right now. It really is. I mean last week I had absolutely no time to blog and I felt like I was dying inside. I visited my fellow food blogs and spent time on other friends posts, commenting and what not… but actual blogging I had none. I don’t know what happened …
Banana Bread Recipe Video
Banana bread was the first recipe my grandmother ever taught me as a child. I remember standing in the kitchen watching her and I would always be amazed how she threw all her ingredients together the wonderful outcome that would come out of the oven. The smells that the house would turn into while the …