What is it about fresh old-fashioned lemonade that makes you feel like a kid again?
Not just any kid… a little brown eyed, long hair girl running around the hills of Bowden Hill in Kingston, Jamaica.
You see the thing is, is that from the time I was in diapers I would spend every summer in Jamaica with my family and since I was the only child/grandchild for a few years I had full reighn… until my cousin and my sister came along 🙂
Because it is so hot down there, this was when my grandma would break out the ripe brightly colored lemons, water and sugar and mix, mix, mix.
She would always enlist me to help her because she knew it was my favorite and how much I loved watching her in the kitchen.
I still do!
So here’s to you grandma… I Love you!

First, gather all of the needed lemons for your lemonade.
To get the most juice out of your lemons firmly roll the lemons between your hand and counter, then cut the lemon in half.
Get a juicing…. yep, that’s right you gotta squeeze ALL those juicy lemons.
Just think of it as a little hand and arm workout… and remember, you may need to change hands and switch off or at the end you will be muscle lopsided.
He He He!
Hey… Just trying to help a fellow friend out you know! 😉
In a gallon pitcher combine 1 cup lemon juice to 6 cups of cold water.
Can you guess what we do next????
If you guessed add sugar then your right! Add 1 cup of granulated sugar.
Stir, and adjust water to taste. Chill and serve over ice.
Where did this gravalicious kid come from????
Oh yea…. that’s my gravalicious kid, Julian….. he couldn’t wait to get his hands on some fresh lemonade!
From my kitchen to yours…. Enjoy!
Old-Fashioned Fresh Lemonade
- Prep Time: 20 minutes
- Total Time: 20 minutes
- 6 Lemons
- 1 cup Granulated Sugar
- 6 cups Cold Water
- Additional:
- Sliced Lemons
- First, gather all of your needed lemons for your lemonade. (Try six out for starters).
- Juice the lemons, should give you 1 cup of lemon juice. Remember you can get the most juice by firmly rolling the lemons between your hand and the counter. Then cut the lemons in half and juice.
- In a gallon pitcher combine 1 cup lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, and 6 cups cold water. Stir, and adjust water to taste.
- Chill and serve over ice and sliced lemons.
Enjoy and see you next time!
[…] Fresh Squeezed Lemonade: This is my favorite, brings back memories of being in Jamaica and helping my grandmother squeeze fresh lemonade for me and my cousin. […]
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