Summertime should really be called grill time. Any chance I can get to grill outside I’m all for it. The quintessential food to grill are burgers. I love me some burgers. Nothing beats a juicy burger filled with cheese and of course some crispy bacon. What makes these burgers so yummy is that I used …
Mini Hashbrown Casseroles
Does your family have a favorite recipe that they ask for you to make over and over again. We have a few of those, and this one, Hashbrown Casserole is definitely a crowd pleaser. I love this recipe so much because it can be made for large crowds and small ones too. I always make …

Strawberry Lemonade
Nothing screams summer like fresh homemade lemonade. I remember as a child that every summer when I was with my Grandma in Jamaica she would make fresh lemonade and would always have me help her squeeze the lemons. I used to always think ” Wow she is really strong,” because so many lemons would be …
Green Velvet Waffles with Cream Cheese Glaze
Spring is always the perfect time to experiment with colors and flavors. I think its so much fun trying to come up with different breakfast recipes that can be made for any day of the week especially holidays. You already know about my love for breakfast and you also should already know my love …
Breakfast Quesadillas
Breakfast quesadillas are such a easy simple way to begin your day. I don’t know about any of you but breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day. Now though there are many times when I skip out on breakfasts, actually I wouldn’t say skip out I usually have breakfast much later on …

Red Velvet Cake Brownies for Valentine’s Day!
Everyone knows how much I love Red Velvet Cake. You know how much I love brownies. Did you ever stop to ask yourself how would Red Velvet Cake Brownies taste? Its the combination of both worlds!!!! Let’s just say they would taste AWESOME! I wanted to make so sweet and delish because Valentine’s Day is …