Affirmations are one of the best mental pick me ups that anyone can do to start their day. We say positive affirmations to inspire and empower us and to keep us motivated in our days. Affirmations allow us to speak things into the universe as though they were already in existence. Some mornings are hard and though we tell ourselves how important it is to be positive sometimes we just know its gonna be a bad day and no matter how hard we try we cant shake the feeling of tension, and frustration that is brought upon us while we open our eyes. I mean, mom life is a lot – – the house is a mess, the laundry never got folded, the kids have X, Y and Z to go to today… I mean the list can go on and on and on.
But, if you take a few moments out of your crazy, hair pulling day, and just focus and give yourself a few moments every morning and remind yourself on positive thoughts you would be surprised how your day is shifted and turned around.
Let’s Talk About How Affirmations Actually Work
It is pretty simple. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome self sabotaging thoughts an negativity. It challenges the way you think and feel about yourself. By repeating them over and over again, you allow yourself to believe in them and make positive changes in your life.
If we focus our energy on negative thoughts and emotions, that is what we’ll see all around us. But, if we take a minute to re-focus our brains on the positive, that’s what will stand out the most.
We become so used to telling ourselves that we can’t that we start to believe that… but what if we changed that mindset and started using the words “I can” and “I am“. What would happen then in our lives?
The Benefits Of Using Positive Affirmations
I know that it may sound or feel silly and out of the ordinary to speak to oneself and remind ourselves that we do have power. But after a while and repetition I felt the change and shift in my mood, mentally and emotionally as well.
Practicing daily affirmations in my life has been HUGE and EMPOWERING – – plus it allows me to shift my mindset in focusing on my strengths and helped in working towards my goals.
Now don’t get me wrong, I will still have my bad days that is only natural and I’m human and flawed… But now I remind myself that this too shall pass and that I am strong and can handle it.

It Is Never Too Late
It is never too late to start daily affirmations. Take a few minutes in your day and think of 5 positive affirmations that you feel resonate with you. Now write them down on a post it, paper, notecard, bathroom mirror, whatever it is just somewhere that is visible and you will see everyday. Now if you chose post its or notecards, tape them on your wall, in your car, on the walls of your bedroom, just somewhere that is most visible for you.
How To Choose Your Affirmations
- Make them personal. Everyone is different. Make sure you choose affirmations that relate to YOU.
- You have to believe them. You can’t just say anything and expect it to work. After awhile, you’ll start to feel like you’re lying to yourself and you will stay stuck.
- Say them in the first person. By using “I” this will make it as if you are doing it now and relating it to yourself. “I am worthy. I am happy. I am loved”
Inspirational Morning Affirmations To Say
I am loved
I am whole
I am worthy
I am enough
I am happy
I am beautiful
I trust in myself
I can do anything I put my mind to
I may have flaws but I am whole
I believe in myself
I can do hard things