For Entrepreneurs

Ultimate Guide On Becoming An Influencer

So you wanna be an influencer huh?

Why is Instagram so popular and why are influencers so influential?

There are 2 questions I like to start off with; What’s Your NICHE and WHY? What is it that you want to share and talk about and Why do you do you wanna be an influencer? I mean Influencers are regular people, like you and me. I know that what we see on the gram is all glitz and glory with the freebies, and travel and our favorite brands being shown and enjoyed… but there is so much more than that.

Influencers have been able to master the ability to help us feel a connection to them through their feed with their words and images. 

Now if your like “Natasha I truly believe I can be an influencer,” and that you are ready to run with sharing yourself on the gram. I’m so happy to share a building guide to get you started.

My Ultimate Guide To Becoming An Influencer

01. Find Your Niche, Know Your WHY

Finding your NICHE = Establishing your main content you will be posting about. Finding your niche is so vital for growing your audience. This will allow you to be specific in your posts and feed.

Now about your Why. It’s pretty simple but knowing WHY you want to become an influencer is the biggest question to know. It is so important to know the reason to why you want dive into this field of entrepreneurship. Some people choose to be an influencer because they want to empower and educate others.

02. Know Your Audience, Build Up Trust

The best influencers rely so much on trust. Not just trust in themselves but the ultimate trust in their brand. Knowing who your audience are and knowing that you won’t please them all is OK because those people probably are not your followers.

03. Stay Consistent, Increase Engagement

As much as it is frustrating if you approach Instagram strategically and learn the algorithm, you will then be able to manage the ability to grow your engagement. The biggest way to grow your engagement is to build your brand.

It is absolutely essential to be consistent in posting daily and regularly in order to grow your brand. Show up multiple times a day on Stories and feeds, this will allow your audience to connect with you and increase your engagement.

04. Build Your Brand

If you want to build a brand then you need to shift your mindset. You want to change your platform and start connecting to brands and other businesses to grow; find brands you want to work with and connect with them. Building your brand requires you to focus on the quality you are providing your audience.

It’s easy to say you want to build a brand but not as easy to actually follow through. Not just any brand but a true brand that can last and be worthy of longevity. A brand is the personality and voice behind the business and in order to be an effective influencer, it’s important to harness the power of a brand.

05. Know Your Worth, Protect Your Yes

It is so easy to want to say Yes to every free promotion or paid campaign or brand that comes your way… even if it’s not the right fit. As an influencer, it’s important to understand the power of saying, “No!” Knowing your worth and your cost will allow you to trust in your ability to only accept campaigns and promotions that benefit your brand and voice. Losing the trust from your followers and audience is the worse thing to happen and all it takes is one bad campaign.

I can’t wait to dive in and talk more about each of these subjects in the next upcoming weeks.

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